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Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
"Medetai" group in "Girls Night Out" bag!
Made by Stacie Wachtel
Thank you Stacie.
This would be great with a black dress and red earrings at a party.
Thank you Stacie.
This would be great with a black dress and red earrings at a party.
Materials Needed:
4 fat eighths (9" x 22") of coordinating fabric
3/8 yd fabric for lining and strap
1/3 yd lightweight batting
4" x 6" poster board
4 fat eighths (9" x 22") of coordinating fabric
3/8 yd fabric for lining and strap
1/3 yd lightweight batting
4" x 6" poster board
This bag is using a combination of fabrics
from the Medetai Group by Hoodie for Blank Quilting
Medetai---------#5468 Black
Maneki-neko --#5464 White
Lucky Coin-----#5465 Red
Ume-------------#5467 Black
Doodle Check--#5465 Red and Black
Inside fabric
Rock Candy by Mark Hordyszynski for Blank Quilting
#4875 Quartz
from the Medetai Group by Hoodie for Blank Quilting
Medetai---------#5468 Black
Maneki-neko --#5464 White
Lucky Coin-----#5465 Red
Ume-------------#5467 Black
Doodle Check--#5465 Red and Black
Inside fabric
Rock Candy by Mark Hordyszynski for Blank Quilting
#4875 Quartz
hoodie's fabrics,
Friday, December 19, 2008
Santa needed snow!

Snow, Snow, Snow....

My son couldn't wait to go to the mountain when he saw the snow.
My son called him but he didn't come back.
I changed to ski wear and snow boots.
I called for Chowder and then he showed up in our front yard.
He was still flying in the snow.
I called him again and went to our front door.
He looked at me, followed me and said,
"Mom, it was awesome, I enjoyed it a lot."
I guess.
He finally got inside. He was in the snow at least 30 min.
"Don't do it again, please Chowder!"
After this happened,
My son went into town to hang out with his friends in the snow.
I shoveled our driveway and sidewalk in the snow. It took an hour and a half.
I love snow very, very much. BUT............

My son couldn't wait to go to the mountain when he saw the snow.
He setup a rail in our back yard.
Then, he opened our back door to get in and my dog Chowder sneaked out into the snow.
Chowder ran and ran in the snow somewhere. I couldn't see him.

My son called him but he didn't come back.
I changed to ski wear and snow boots.
I called for Chowder and then he showed up in our front yard.
He was still flying in the snow.
I called him again and went to our front door.
He looked at me, followed me and said,
"Mom, it was awesome, I enjoyed it a lot."
I guess.
He finally got inside. He was in the snow at least 30 min.
"Don't do it again, please Chowder!"
After this happened,
My son went into town to hang out with his friends in the snow.
I shoveled our driveway and sidewalk in the snow. It took an hour and a half.
I love snow very, very much. BUT............
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
We wish you Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Shop - "Hoodie in the box" is OPEN!

Finally my own shop is OPEN!
You will find many more products here than were in my Etsy shop.
I couldn't put all my products in yet, but it is open before Christmas.
I can't believe it. It is 15 days to Christmas, 21 days until the New Year.
If it is not too late for your Christmas shopping, go to Hoodie in the box

Seasons Greeting Cards -
These are actually my art that you can frame and hang on the wall or use as a room decoration.
Christmas and Happy Holiday cards will be in the shop until end of this year and will be back in October next year 2009.
Sewing patterns and Accessories are also in the shop.
Accessories are made with many different antique Japanese fabrics.
No duplicate fabrics. They are individual, just for you!
They are great gifts for Christmas or as Birthday or special presents.
Purchase by December 20th and I give you guaranteed arrival by the 23rd at your place.
You just pay first class mail shipping, I will send them Express mail or FedEx. (US only)
If you wish this service, notify me "Emergency Christmas or Seasons Gift" in the notes area as you checkout with my secure shopping cart.
Orders received after the 20th December, Shipping will be normal way as per your choice in checkout.
My fabric group postcards, "Morning Call" and "Medetai" are available to the store owners who are carrying my fabrics.
10 postcards $5.00, If you purchase 50 postcards $25.00 + Free Shipping.
You can shop using your Credit Card or Paypal. Hoodie in the box is a secure SSL encrypted site for your protection.
2009, I will put all my products and more information will be posted on my blog.
Here is our "Hey Jude

I was nervous, so I made a mistake. I was singing the wrong words in two sentences. Oops!
However I didn't get into a panic, I just continued to sing to the end.
No one realized my mistake. It was a good job.
After recital, a couple of parents commented to me,
"It was enjoyable. I didn't know you could sing!"
"I didn't know either." I answered.
One mother said, "I want to try to do something similar with my child but no singing for me."
I encouraged other parents!
About his piano, it was a little faster and louder than we practiced but no mistakes! Overall it was successful event. "I like it" according his piano teacher, Kerry.
We now have received new music that is a DUET from Kerry. We will play piano together for the next recital before my son's skill gets better than mine. Actually he is more talented to play in a dramatic way than I play.
Hoodie in the box,
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Father and son's Turkey on Thanksgiving day!
Thanksgiving day was also my son's father's birthday this year.
He came over and cooked a Turkey.
My son is not living with his father since he was two and half year old.
We started this combination of two celebrations (Thanksgiving and Birthday) having a family dinner eight years ago at my house.
This year,
Father handed his Turkey recipe to his son.
Turkey recipe - Soften 2 sticks of butter at room temperature and mix in herbs - basil, garlic, pepper, parsley (chopped). Clean the Turkey and then rub the butter mixture over the breast, legs and thighs. Any left put inside the turkey along with a quartered lemon, stick of celery and a quartered onion. Also put inside salt and pepper. Warm up the oven to 350 degrees. Cook the turkey 20 minutes per pound and then let stand outside the oven for 15 minutes before serving.
Uncooked turkey is pretty much scary looking to me.
I know when a turkey gets tan, he is really good looking!
Our turkey was getting a little tan after one hour in the oven. Father put potato around it.
Potato recipe - Boil them for about 10 minutes so they aren't quite cooked then put them around the turkey for the last hour of cooking.
We waited another two more hours.
Look at our turkey,, gorgeous!
Potato were still in the oven.
Father asked son to cut a turkey. Son struggled to cut it too much. So father needed to show the way of cutting.Hurry up. "I'm hungry!"
Mom said. (It's me!)
It was a delicious dinner, the potatoes were especially great!!! Crispy and tasty. Vegetables were cooked right but he forgot to cook stuffing. Ready made stuffing was on the table but we did not approve of that taste.
My son was asking where is the whipped cream when I was preparing our desserts.
My son opened the refrigerator without me seeing what he was doing. I said, "Don't use it!"
His father was taking a nap at the chair because he was tired from cooking or Tryptophan in Turkey?
Our son setup the Video Camera and put shaving cream instead of whipped cream on his hand.
His father was half wake and ate it. Oh, my,, he was spitting it all over the floor.
Two of them blamed me because I didn't let my son use whipped cream!
He came over and cooked a Turkey.
My son is not living with his father since he was two and half year old.
We started this combination of two celebrations (Thanksgiving and Birthday) having a family dinner eight years ago at my house.
This year,
Father handed his Turkey recipe to his son.
Turkey recipe - Soften 2 sticks of butter at room temperature and mix in herbs - basil, garlic, pepper, parsley (chopped). Clean the Turkey and then rub the butter mixture over the breast, legs and thighs. Any left put inside the turkey along with a quartered lemon, stick of celery and a quartered onion. Also put inside salt and pepper. Warm up the oven to 350 degrees. Cook the turkey 20 minutes per pound and then let stand outside the oven for 15 minutes before serving.
Uncooked turkey is pretty much scary looking to me.
I know when a turkey gets tan, he is really good looking!
Our turkey was getting a little tan after one hour in the oven. Father put potato around it.
Potato recipe - Boil them for about 10 minutes so they aren't quite cooked then put them around the turkey for the last hour of cooking.
We waited another two more hours.
Look at our turkey,, gorgeous!
Potato were still in the oven.
It was a delicious dinner, the potatoes were especially great!!! Crispy and tasty. Vegetables were cooked right but he forgot to cook stuffing. Ready made stuffing was on the table but we did not approve of that taste.
My son was asking where is the whipped cream when I was preparing our desserts.
My son opened the refrigerator without me seeing what he was doing. I said, "Don't use it!"
His father was taking a nap at the chair because he was tired from cooking or Tryptophan in Turkey?
Our son setup the Video Camera and put shaving cream instead of whipped cream on his hand.
His father was half wake and ate it. Oh, my,, he was spitting it all over the floor.
Two of them blamed me because I didn't let my son use whipped cream!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
"Time goes by real fast during the year!"
It is already "Thanksgiving"

My son and I are going to Ice Hockey Thanksgiving Tournament in PA.
So we are packing for our three days trip tonight.
This is our normal a day before Thanksgiving.
P.S. Our Thanksgiving Turkey's pictures will be posted next week.
Friday, November 21, 2008
So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin!
One of my regrets is "I quit my piano lessons."
I started my piano lessons when I was around 6. (I guess.)
My first piano teacher was excellent. She let me sing notes in German first and piano next. I remembered that I loved her lessons.
When my parents moved our house to another town due to my father's work, I stopped my piano lessons for a year. My mother found a new piano teacher in our new area. I didn't like her. She let me play at the previous level where I was before.
I started playing basketball at my school. I started skipping piano practices and lessons more and more. Finally I'd quit playing piano.
I just played piano whenever I felt like it.
I got into The Beatles music when I was in middle school and high school.
I played The Beatles songs with a book that was a Jazz version.
I started to practice guitar myself and I composed music and put my lyrics in it.
I never got too far with that. I never played my music (songs) in front of anyone except when Karaoke became popular at the bars. I would hang out there, drinking, eating and singing songs with people who I worked with after our work. We sang many Japanese songs that we grew up with.
We put our feelings into the songs with our memories and wishes.
I had friends who were musicians that played in their own band. My boyfriend was their best friend, so we always spent time with them. He had a part-time job at small record shop when he was in college. (I was working already. I went to Art College for two years. He was in a four year College and he was a year older than me.) We collected so many records because we could get good deal from his shop. We collected way too many records, it was not even funny!
My son has been playing piano since he was 8. He was lucky he has a great piano teacher. His piano teacher (Kerry) is my son's friend's father, our ski buddy and one of my best friends.
I love how he plays piano and sings. He is a music teacher for two high schools and he was a dancer in Broadway musicals.
My son is easy to skip piano practices because of his busy schedule.
Actually I'm really sick of asking him to practice his piano.
Whenever I ask him to quit piano if he doesn't practice,
He cries and says,
"I don't want to quit piano." I really don't understand why he still wants to take piano lessons without practicing.
He has been playing at Kerry's recitals since he started. Kerry has a recital scheduled for twice a year.
Only this target makes my son practice.
Kerry just gave us notice on Nov 17th that his next recital will be scheduled on DEC 7th.
We think "Hey Jude" is best for the recital out of the three pieces he has been practicing.
Kerry said, "Someone has to sing."
"You sing. You can, right?"
"No way" I said.
"I need to fix my English pronunciation as well." I added.
"Yes, you can! Many French singers can't speak English but they can do it." He mentioned a couple of French singer's names and he added,
"It is a cute idea!"
"Kerry, it doesn't work "Cute!" at the recital."
I came back home and searched women singers who sing "Hey Jude” in the iTune store right away.
I found Dionne Warwick's. I love her way of singing with "Hey Jude"
Next morning, I went to Lucy's blog. She has music on her blog.
The music started .... "Hey Jude, Don't make it bad........"
You know, I will do it, I don't care if I might be embarrassed, So what,,,
How many opportunities do I have to play the music with my son?
I will do it!
Since then, I'm singing "Hey Jude" and working, singing and driving, singing and cooking.
I have to memorize all the words first, fix my English and make this song into my singing style.
I took a lesson from Kerry on last Wednesday.
After my singing, Kerry said,
"Have you sung in the chorus? Hoodie, you have a good voice!"
"I sung with Karaoke when I was in Japan."
"You are a good musician."
Kerry approved my piano and singing , all right!
I could hear my mother's word again,
"I wanted you to be a musician!" She kept mentioning this since I quit piano lessons.
(My mother passed away a year and half ago)
I understood English lyrics but I never got into the words when I couldn't speak English.
The words in Japanese songs were telling my feelings better.
However, I realized that this time, English words were also touching inside of me deeply.
And anytime you fell the pain, hey Jude, refrain.
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.
For well you know that its a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.
So let it out and let in, hey Jude, begin.
You're waiting for someone to perform with.
And don't know that it just you, hey Jude, You'll do.
The m
ovement you need is on your shoulder.
My son and I are practicing, "Hey Jude" together everyday now.
Practice time is longer than his usual.
He is asking me,
"Hey Mom, shall we practice?"
I have never ever seen him sitting on the piano chair without my asking!!!
This is last year's recital picture -- Sorry, he hates to dress!
Imagine, I'm standing by him and singing! haha
My life never gets boring!
I started my piano lessons when I was around 6. (I guess.)
My first piano teacher was excellent. She let me sing notes in German first and piano next. I remembered that I loved her lessons.
When my parents moved our house to another town due to my father's work, I stopped my piano lessons for a year. My mother found a new piano teacher in our new area. I didn't like her. She let me play at the previous level where I was before.
I started playing basketball at my school. I started skipping piano practices and lessons more and more. Finally I'd quit playing piano.
I just played piano whenever I felt like it.
I got into The Beatles music when I was in middle school and high school.
I played The Beatles songs with a book that was a Jazz version.
I started to practice guitar myself and I composed music and put my lyrics in it.
I never got too far with that. I never played my music (songs) in front of anyone except when Karaoke became popular at the bars. I would hang out there, drinking, eating and singing songs with people who I worked with after our work. We sang many Japanese songs that we grew up with.
We put our feelings into the songs with our memories and wishes.
I had friends who were musicians that played in their own band. My boyfriend was their best friend, so we always spent time with them. He had a part-time job at small record shop when he was in college. (I was working already. I went to Art College for two years. He was in a four year College and he was a year older than me.) We collected so many records because we could get good deal from his shop. We collected way too many records, it was not even funny!
My son has been playing piano since he was 8. He was lucky he has a great piano teacher. His piano teacher (Kerry) is my son's friend's father, our ski buddy and one of my best friends.
I love how he plays piano and sings. He is a music teacher for two high schools and he was a dancer in Broadway musicals.
My son is easy to skip piano practices because of his busy schedule.
Actually I'm really sick of asking him to practice his piano.
Whenever I ask him to quit piano if he doesn't practice,
He cries and says,
"I don't want to quit piano." I really don't understand why he still wants to take piano lessons without practicing.
He has been playing at Kerry's recitals since he started. Kerry has a recital scheduled for twice a year.
Only this target makes my son practice.
Kerry just gave us notice on Nov 17th that his next recital will be scheduled on DEC 7th.
We think "Hey Jude" is best for the recital out of the three pieces he has been practicing.
Kerry said, "Someone has to sing."
"You sing. You can, right?"
"No way" I said.
"I need to fix my English pronunciation as well." I added.
"Yes, you can! Many French singers can't speak English but they can do it." He mentioned a couple of French singer's names and he added,
"It is a cute idea!"
"Kerry, it doesn't work "Cute!" at the recital."

I found Dionne Warwick's. I love her way of singing with "Hey Jude"
Next morning, I went to Lucy's blog. She has music on her blog.
The music started .... "Hey Jude, Don't make it bad........"
You know, I will do it, I don't care if I might be embarrassed, So what,,,
How many opportunities do I have to play the music with my son?
I will do it!
Since then, I'm singing "Hey Jude" and working, singing and driving, singing and cooking.
I have to memorize all the words first, fix my English and make this song into my singing style.
I took a lesson from Kerry on last Wednesday.
After my singing, Kerry said,
"Have you sung in the chorus? Hoodie, you have a good voice!"
"I sung with Karaoke when I was in Japan."
"You are a good musician."
Kerry approved my piano and singing , all right!
I could hear my mother's word again,
"I wanted you to be a musician!" She kept mentioning this since I quit piano lessons.
(My mother passed away a year and half ago)
I understood English lyrics but I never got into the words when I couldn't speak English.
The words in Japanese songs were telling my feelings better.
However, I realized that this time, English words were also touching inside of me deeply.
And anytime you fell the pain, hey Jude, refrain.
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.
For well you know that its a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.
So let it out and let in, hey Jude, begin.
You're waiting for someone to perform with.
And don't know that it just you, hey Jude, You'll do.
The m

My son and I are practicing, "Hey Jude" together everyday now.
Practice time is longer than his usual.
He is asking me,
"Hey Mom, shall we practice?"
I have never ever seen him sitting on the piano chair without my asking!!!
This is last year's recital picture -- Sorry, he hates to dress!
Imagine, I'm standing by him and singing! haha
My life never gets boring!
Story of mine
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Lucy's Apron.
Here is Lucy's masterpiece. Her apron made with my fabric, "Kettle Rattle" Col/Egg (Blank Quilting has not given names for each design but they have names by Hoodie) from my Morning Call group.

"I had to take them at night because that is the only time I get to sew (after my five little kids are in bed)."
I have no idea how she can work so hard at this and also take care of her five little kids.
I like a powerful woman. I guess she is one of us.
She even commented, "Sorry they aren't better."
I think they are beautiful pictures and it is a very attractive apron!
I'm sure my readers have the same opinion.
Please check her blog, "My Byrd House".
You will enjoy this apron even more with her instructions.
Morning Call
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Announcing "Medetai" on Fat Quarter Shop's blog and coincidence stories.

Usually , I don't use my own country's heritage in my designs. However I did another Japanese group, it was called "Keiko"
I believe these two groups are the only Japanese designs I have created during my entire textile career of 30 years.
I found my designed fabrics "Keiko" and "Sachi" (I still love this design) on Maneki Neko Bag during a Google search today.
It is very interesting,
she called her bag "Maneki neko bag" she made it a year ago with my designs.

I did a re-layout from the original file and framed these two fabric designs of mine.
I donated them to my Town Auction Art Show four years ago.
Actually Atomic City was a hit at the show. People still talk about it.
Darlene, who made the Messenger Bag from my sewing pattern. (I posted her pictures on OCT 6)
She didn't know I have my own original fabrics. I asked her to make the same bag with my fabrics for Quilt Market. We couldn't make it in time because my fabrics had a delayed delivery.
I got an email from Darlene while she w
as waiting for my fabrics to arrive.
Yesterday (OCT 17th) I was playing with my fabric stash. Imagine my surprise when I pulled out this collection (see pic) & looked at the selvage & saw Hoodie's Collection. I had no idea it was yours.
Material Girls Fabric in Santa Rosa, CA ordered my Reversible Skirt Apron about two months ago. I mentioned to them about my first fabric group "Morning Call". It turned out they had already bought them but were unaware both were my designs. I went to their website and saw the owner Nicole's picture. I could see my Floral Fusion Group fabrics (I used these fabrics with my aprons and bags that are on cover page of my sewing patterns) were behind her (Left upper corner) in the photo..
I put my name "Hoodie" in my fabric artwork sometimes. I draw my dog "Chowder" in many of my designs. I'm sure you have been seeing them but you don't recognize them.
It was my mischief behave.
I donated them to my Town Auction Art Show four years ago.
Actually Atomic City was a hit at the show. People still talk about it.
Darlene, who made the Messenger Bag from my sewing pattern. (I posted her pictures on OCT 6)
She didn't know I have my own original fabrics. I asked her to make the same bag with my fabrics for Quilt Market. We couldn't make it in time because my fabrics had a delayed delivery.
I got an email from Darlene while she w

Yesterday (OCT 17th) I was playing with my fabric stash. Imagine my surprise when I pulled out this collection (see pic) & looked at the selvage & saw Hoodie's Collection. I had no idea it was yours.
Material Girls Fabric in Santa Rosa, CA ordered my Reversible Skirt Apron about two months ago. I mentioned to them about my first fabric group "Morning Call". It turned out they had already bought them but were unaware both were my designs. I went to their website and saw the owner Nicole's picture. I could see my Floral Fusion Group fabrics (I used these fabrics with my aprons and bags that are on cover page of my sewing patterns) were behind her (Left upper corner) in the photo..
I put my name "Hoodie" in my fabric artwork sometimes. I draw my dog "Chowder" in many of my designs. I'm sure you have been seeing them but you don't recognize them.
It was my mischief behave.

Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween 2008!
There was an unhappy Lady.
She was tired of repeating her miserable life.
Hard work, isn’t it?
Lady had a cat friend named Tookie.
She asked him, “How can I be free?”
Fly into the air!
It sounds easy
although it wasn’t easy for Lady.
Scared? Maybe not!
Lady opened the door to get some fresh night air.
The lights from the room cast Lady and Tookie’s Shadow
onto the front yard of her house.
Both Shadows saw a shooting star in the dark blue sky.
See, I found it!
Shadows wished to be free
and separated from Lady and Tookie.
Lady closed the door but Shadows stayed outside.
Lead me to my sweet home!
Lady’s Shadow sat and wondered
how to move herself.
I’ve got an idea!
I might fly into the air just like Tookie told Lady.
Tookie’s Shadow encouraged her.
Feels good to be free!
Lady’s Shadow found her way out.
I’m an InnerWitch.
She was tired of repeating her miserable life.
Hard work, isn’t it?
Lady had a cat friend named Tookie.
She asked him, “How can I be free?”
Fly into the air!
It sounds easy
although it wasn’t easy for Lady.
Scared? Maybe not!
Lady opened the door to get some fresh night air.
The lights from the room cast Lady and Tookie’s Shadow
onto the front yard of her house.
Both Shadows saw a shooting star in the dark blue sky.
See, I found it!
Shadows wished to be free
and separated from Lady and Tookie.
Lady closed the door but Shadows stayed outside.
Lead me to my sweet home!
Lady’s Shadow sat and wondered
how to move herself.
I’ve got an idea!
I might fly into the air just like Tookie told Lady.
Tookie’s Shadow encouraged her.
Feels good to be free!
Lady’s Shadow found her way out.
I’m an InnerWitch.
I’m proud of myself!
Story and illustration by Hoodie © by Hoodie's Collection.
Story and illustration by Hoodie © by Hoodie's Collection.
* Red words are the titles of each witch card. Top left to right, then Bottom left to right.
This is my innerWitch story Greeting cards.
This story is on the back side of the Greeting card.
Set of 8 with Brown paper envelopes $24.00 or Single $3.00 with Brown paper envelope For sale!
innerWitch brand T-shirts $25.00 Hoodie $34.00 and eco bags Shoulder bag $12.00 Pouch $8.00 Limited Quantity.
I also have Greeting cards - Serving Witch, Helper Cat, Cat eat fish
Set of 4 with Brown envelopes $ 12.00 & Single with Brown envelope $3.00
I've got an idea about 25 years ago.
I drew the illustrations for the story in my room and went to our kitchen where my mother stayed most of her time. "Mom, this is an excellent story! Isn't she cute?"
My mother was my audience for my poems and artwork at the time.
She commented sometimes, "You are so complicated!"
I get depressed easily and it causes my negative attitude.
I realized "I'm creating a bad mood myself. "
However. it is not easy to bring me up to positive thinking when I'm in a down mood.
Negative energy turns to be Positive energy. That is my innerWitch story and the concept of my life.
P.S. This story and witches on my card are a re-created version from my original.
More about the background of my witches.
I grew up with American TV shows; "Bewitched", "I Dream of Jeannie" and "The Munsters"
I loved these three shows. I still love them.
They spoke in Japanese at the time. (I don't like to watch American shows in Japanese anymore.)
I had no choice to listen to Americans that were speaking in Japanese on our TV.
"Bewitched" & "I Dream of Jeannie" --- "How great if I can use magics like them", I thought!
"The Munsters" --- I loved all of the Munsters and episodes. Especially Herman was so innocent and cute.
We don't have Halloween in Japan. I guess we don't have Witch stories either.
I created the images of my witch when I was little, through watching these TV shows.
I loved their way of mischief thinking and I do mischief behave as well.
I was invited to my friend's Halloween party in their gorgeous Apartment, Upper West side in NY. They have their Halloween party on the closest Saturday night every year. Since I go to Quilt Market in Houston, many years I have missed their Halloween party. I guess, I'm not invited anymore.
October, sometime Saturday before Halloween 2000.
I took my son to our friend's house and I dressed and put make-up on .
I didn't want to scare my son as he was still 5 year old.
Then I took the pictures myself. (Picture below)
Then I drove to NY.
I stopped at the George Washington Bridge Toll Gate.
A person who took my toll fee said,
"Honey, you are so beautiful!"
I was truly beautiful that night!

What am I gonna be today, of course, my innerWitch in a positive mood!
Oops, I have to bring my witch out and candies before school will end.
P.S. It is a beautiful day, mid 60˚F. Kids can show their costumes without their Jackets.
My son is still out with his friends. (8:15 pm) Chowder and I did trick or treat. He was Dracula.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
More about Quilt Market/Houston
I received more pictures of the Blank Quilting Booth from Mark who went back home last night.
Diana (Creative Director) commented!
It was such a thrill to win the prize for “Best merchandised booth” at Quilt Market this year. This is the first time Blank Quilting has ever won such an award! We were all elated and smiling ear to ear, needless to say. Thanks to Mark’s ideas and vision, we were able to come up with an original booth display that showed our fabrics and was inviting to our customers. All the leaves on the trees were representative of all of our new fabric collections. This was our “Tree of Inspiration”. It exhibited all the different styles and colors of our designers coming together in one place creating a beautiful tree.
We certainly received a great deal of attention! It was really wonderful.
I had interviewed Mark Hordyszynski in this morning.
About Display
When Hoodie and Diana asked me to work on the design for the booth for Quilt Market - I thought I have so much to do, I cannot commit. But I found it was very fun and exciting to do this... so I did. As always, I let my creativity flow freely, and I wanted something that would be very impressive, functional, and not KILL u
s to put together. I knew this was achieved when we set out for market because I felt very confident. It wasn't until the second day of set up that people started saying it was SO good we might have a chance at an award. I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT!! But after they said that, I knew it was true! And the rest is now history.
About Rock Candy
When I designed Rock Candy I tried to accomplish two very important things.
The first is provide an innovative basic, with unique colors that would really bring a quilt or any project to life.
The second, now that we embellish practically everything – it is a fabric that already has a wonderful shiny metallic or colored pearl highlight, which can be accented even more with novelty or metallic threads.
See how all the beautiful colors work together, and just look at how the fabric just comes alive with luster and shine!
About my Books
My first novel SHAG is an idea I had for a log time. I thought I would write a children’s book but when I sat down to write, it came out as an adult novel.
SHAG is a story of the magic of a baby mammoth returning to life after being frozen in a block of ice for thousands of years, and how this wonderful creature changes the lives of the people who come in contact with him.
& KNIT WITH STYLE, my first how-to book published by C&T, is the exploration of a product I developed for my booth at International Quilt Market in 2005. The concept of stripping fabric—cotton, wool, rayon, nylon, and more—and then knitting with it became a very liberating experience because if handled correctly, almost any fabric can be knit.
I am very proud of both publications and have enjoyed the experience so much I plan on writing more books in the future.
Finally, my turn!
When I arrived at the Blank
Quilting Booth, Sam told me that Michele came over the booth and was asking for me.
We walked to her booth,
EZ Quilting/Simplicity Creative Group.
No one was there at the time but this mannequin was waiting for me.
How cute!! I love all the appliques that are on it.
What a great idea!
I have exactly the same mannequin in my basement!
This combination of fabrics for this apron is "Morning Call" #5290 Black and "Medetai"#5428 Black.
All of the people working at their booth wore a combination of my black and white, red and white fabrics. Thank you, Michele!
Quilt Designer, Jean Ann Wright.
She bought two cute aprons with my "Morning Call" Fabrics during the first day of Quilt Market at our booth.
I love she used #5290 (I call it Serving Set) Col/Aqua and #5291 (I call it Spot Dots) Col/Carrot for her half apron.
This color combination was my original idea when we decided colorways from our color pile. #5286 (I call it Rooster Parade) Col/Vintage Roosters are lined up at the bottom. It is a great match!
Reversible full apron = #5292 Col/Red, Pocket #5290 Col/Black.
Other side #5289 Col/Apple (I call it Fun Dots), Pocket #5290 Black
and trim #5287 Col/Black. Thank you, Jean!
#5292 (I call it Sweet Garden) Col/Red, it seems this is a great design and color for aprons.
I found another apron when I was going to meet my friend by her booth.
Threaded Pear Studio She has blog:
Gina had so many cute things in her booth. I was pleased my fabrics were there as well.
#5292 C
ol/Red and #5290 Col/Black. Thank you, Gina!
My friend, June Colburn (June Colburn designs 11) made this quilt with my "Morning Call" and "Medetai" fabrics.
She used her sewing pattern "RIBBON BOUQUET"
She put a coffee cup (From my fabric) in the middle of her design,
"The aroma of coffee"
Thank you for making this cute quilt during your busy schedule.
Please forgive that these five pictures were not good quality.
We took pictures using Mark's phone camera, unfortunately we think his lens was dirty and they came out blurred.
I hop
e I can get better pictures someday!
Lazy Girl Designs Joan Hawley made a nice bag with "Medetai" group.
#5467 Gold – Lining fabric
#5466 Gold – Main cover fabric
#5465 – Bottom cover fabric
#5429 Black – Inside pocket fabric
We showed your sample bag to customers. All of them loved it.
Thank you, Joan!
I couldn't walk through all of Market. My trip was shorter than I thought.
I hope to see you
at Spring Market!
Houston was 70˚F. When I was back to NJ, it was 56˚F and I was lucky not to be wearing a coat when I arrived.
Today in NJ it was rain and cold 37˚F. My son checked ""- there will be a snow shower tonight. He is happy to be thinking of snowboarding or that his school will be closed.
I love snow very much but I think it is a little too early to be in winter.
Many leaves were falling and it is wet tonight.
Colors are beautiful. I want to enjoy fall season longer.
I made this design 2006 Fall. It was a dropped design but I still like it. It is funny, this concept was matching our winning booth!
My new looking Triangle bag, Messenger bag, Dress Apron with "Morning Call" fabrics and new two aprons will posted soon!

Diana (Creative Director) commented!
It was such a thrill to win the prize for “Best merchandised booth” at Quilt Market this year. This is the first time Blank Quilting has ever won such an award! We were all elated and smiling ear to ear, needless to say. Thanks to Mark’s ideas and vision, we were able to come up with an original booth display that showed our fabrics and was inviting to our customers. All the leaves on the trees were representative of all of our new fabric collections. This was our “Tree of Inspiration”. It exhibited all the different styles and colors of our designers coming together in one place creating a beautiful tree.
We certainly received a great deal of attention! It was really wonderful.
I had interviewed Mark Hordyszynski in this morning.
About Display
When Hoodie and Diana asked me to work on the design for the booth for Quilt Market - I thought I have so much to do, I cannot commit. But I found it was very fun and exciting to do this... so I did. As always, I let my creativity flow freely, and I wanted something that would be very impressive, functional, and not KILL u

About Rock Candy
When I designed Rock Candy I tried to accomplish two very important things.
The first is provide an innovative basic, with unique colors that would really bring a quilt or any project to life.
The second, now that we embellish practically everything – it is a fabric that already has a wonderful shiny metallic or colored pearl highlight, which can be accented even more with novelty or metallic threads.
See how all the beautiful colors work together, and just look at how the fabric just comes alive with luster and shine!
About my Books

SHAG is a story of the magic of a baby mammoth returning to life after being frozen in a block of ice for thousands of years, and how this wonderful creature changes the lives of the people who come in contact with him.

I am very proud of both publications and have enjoyed the experience so much I plan on writing more books in the future.
Finally, my turn!
When I arrived at the Blank

We walked to her booth,
EZ Quilting/Simplicity Creative Group.
No one was there at the time but this mannequin was waiting for me.
How cute!! I love all the appliques that are on it.
What a great idea!
I have exactly the same mannequin in my basement!
This combination of fabrics for this apron is "Morning Call" #5290 Black and "Medetai"#5428 Black.
All of the people working at their booth wore a combination of my black and white, red and white fabrics. Thank you, Michele!

She bought two cute aprons with my "Morning Call" Fabrics during the first day of Quilt Market at our booth.
I love she used #5290 (I call it Serving Set) Col/Aqua and #5291 (I call it Spot Dots) Col/Carrot for her half apron.
This color combination was my original idea when we decided colorways from our color pile. #5286 (I call it Rooster Parade) Col/Vintage Roosters are lined up at the bottom. It is a great match!
Reversible full apron = #5292 Col/Red, Pocket #5290 Col/Black.
Other side #5289 Col/Apple (I call it Fun Dots), Pocket #5290 Black
and trim #5287 Col/Black. Thank you, Jean!
#5292 (I call it Sweet Garden) Col/Red, it seems this is a great design and color for aprons.
I found another apron when I was going to meet my friend by her booth.
Threaded Pear Studio She has blog:
Gina had so many cute things in her booth. I was pleased my fabrics were there as well.
#5292 C

My friend, June Colburn (June Colburn designs 11) made this quilt with my "Morning Call" and "Medetai" fabrics.
She used her sewing pattern "RIBBON BOUQUET"
She put a coffee cup (From my fabric) in the middle of her design,
"The aroma of coffee"
Thank you for making this cute quilt during your busy schedule.
Please forgive that these five pictures were not good quality.
We took pictures using Mark's phone camera, unfortunately we think his lens was dirty and they came out blurred.
I hop

Lazy Girl Designs Joan Hawley made a nice bag with "Medetai" group.
#5467 Gold – Lining fabric
#5466 Gold – Main cover fabric
#5465 – Bottom cover fabric
#5429 Black – Inside pocket fabric
We showed your sample bag to customers. All of them loved it.
Thank you, Joan!
I couldn't walk through all of Market. My trip was shorter than I thought.
I hope to see you

Houston was 70˚F. When I was back to NJ, it was 56˚F and I was lucky not to be wearing a coat when I arrived.
Today in NJ it was rain and cold 37˚F. My son checked ""- there will be a snow shower tonight. He is happy to be thinking of snowboarding or that his school will be closed.
I love snow very much but I think it is a little too early to be in winter.
Many leaves were falling and it is wet tonight.
Colors are beautiful. I want to enjoy fall season longer.
I made this design 2006 Fall. It was a dropped design but I still like it. It is funny, this concept was matching our winning booth!
My new looking Triangle bag, Messenger bag, Dress Apron with "Morning Call" fabrics and new two aprons will posted soon!
quilt market
Monday, October 27, 2008
Congratulations! Blank Quilting won Best Booth at International Quilt Market/Houston.
I left George R. Brown Convention Center at 12:30 pm. Our Airplane took off at 2:30 pm. It landed at Newark at 7:08 pm.
My phone made a sound, "You've got mail." I was still in the airplane.
It was from my friend Sam, Mark Hordyszynski's partner.
"Hoodie, we got first place!"
I smiled!--I couldn't jump because I still was wearing the seat belt.
Thank you Karen for your post. (Karen Combs - Licensee Artist for Blank Quilting. She and her son Josh helped sales at Blank Quilting booth during The Quilt Market) I could see the celebrations atmosphere from your pictures.
I borrowed your pictures - I hope you don't mind.
During the summer, Mark, Diana and I were talking about our booth display in Houston. Mark has great ideas and I love them always.
I arrived at George R. Brown Convention Center on the 24th (Setup day), 4:00pm.
I found Sam and Mark easily.
"Hi, honey!" we kissed, then I said "I have to go to Blank's booth."
"Hoodie, where do you think you are? You are at Blank's booth!"
It was beautifully done already. I thought I would be helping with the display when I got there.
Well done! Mark!
Mark Hordyszynski (Right below picture), he is my best friend for many years. I believe, at least 12
We stayed at the same hotel (Last year as well) but we arrived on a different day. Our rooms were next each other although I'm sure the hotel people didn't know we are friends.
Mark Hordyszynski, he is a designer, Rock Candy, Wonderland, In the doghouse, Circus Critters for Blank Quilting.
He designed "Fairy Frost" "Disco Dots" and many of his styles of novelty designs for Michael Miller Fabrics. Our designs were always next to each other in the market for many years and still are.
We displayed many quilts. These were hanging in the gates. This Quilt is using "Medetai"group and Mark's "Rock Candy" M4875.
What a beautiful combination and great quilt design.
(Quilt design by Heidi Pridemore)
Mark published two books recently.
>Shag - His first novel is selling at Barnes and Novel iUniverse
>Strip & Knit with STYLE (C&T PUBLISHING) is selling both books.
I will interview him tomorrow!
I will post more about the show and my stuff at the show tomorrow as well.
It was great meeting with the people that work for Blank Quilting, many of my friends (we meet twice a year at the show) and many customers.
Thank you for all your support!
My phone made a sound, "You've got mail." I was still in the airplane.
It was from my friend Sam, Mark Hordyszynski's partner.
"Hoodie, we got first place!"
I smiled!--I couldn't jump because I still was wearing the seat belt.
Thank you Karen for your post. (Karen Combs - Licensee Artist for Blank Quilting. She and her son Josh helped sales at Blank Quilting booth during The Quilt Market) I could see the celebrations atmosphere from your pictures.
I borrowed your pictures - I hope you don't mind.

Left picture: (Names are showing from left to right)
Jeremy Jeffries(Vice President Of Sales)
Diana Mancini (Art Director)
Mitchell Blank(President)
Jeremy Jeffries(Vice President Of Sales)
Diana Mancini (Art Director)
Mitchell Blank(President)
During the summer, Mark, Diana and I were talking about our booth display in Houston. Mark has great ideas and I love them always.
I arrived at George R. Brown Convention Center on the 24th (Setup day), 4:00pm.
I found Sam and Mark easily.
"Hi, honey!" we kissed, then I said "I have to go to Blank's booth."
"Hoodie, where do you think you are? You are at Blank's booth!"
It was beautifully done already. I thought I would be helping with the display when I got there.
Well done! Mark!
Mark Hordyszynski (Right below picture), he is my best friend for many years. I believe, at least 12

We stayed at the same hotel (Last year as well) but we arrived on a different day. Our rooms were next each other although I'm sure the hotel people didn't know we are friends.
Mark Hordyszynski, he is a designer, Rock Candy, Wonderland, In the doghouse, Circus Critters for Blank Quilting.
He designed "Fairy Frost" "Disco Dots" and many of his styles of novelty designs for Michael Miller Fabrics. Our designs were always next to each other in the market for many years and still are.

We displayed many quilts. These were hanging in the gates. This Quilt is using "Medetai"group and Mark's "Rock Candy" M4875.
What a beautiful combination and great quilt design.
(Quilt design by Heidi Pridemore)
Mark published two books recently.
>Shag - His first novel is selling at Barnes and Novel iUniverse
>Strip & Knit with STYLE (C&T PUBLISHING) is selling both books.
I will interview him tomorrow!
I will post more about the show and my stuff at the show tomorrow as well.
It was great meeting with the people that work for Blank Quilting, many of my friends (we meet twice a year at the show) and many customers.
Thank you for all your support!
quilt market
Sunday, October 19, 2008
6:00 am!
4:55 am, my alarm woke me up.
Why do I have to wake?
Oh, Ice hockey game at 6:00 am! I woke my son up and when we got to the ice rink it was 5:30 am.
Parking lot was full. What are these people doing?
A bunch of parents were there and holding a cup of coffee.
Crazy, Ice hockey world is crazy.
We have been in this cloud for 8 years already!
I was a basketball player for 10 years when I was at school. Since my son plays ice hockey, basketball games are a little boring. They are not fast enough.
I became a hockey Mom among Americans.
Here is my illustration for his 9 year old birthday.
I have many memories of skating with my father. I learned how to skate and ski from my father and a cousin in our countryside (NAGANO 1998 Winter Olympics) where we were born.
After we moved to the city, my father missed all the sports he grew up with.
He took me to the skate rink and mountains for his pleasure. We also went fishing.
My father's sports became my sports and I handed them to my son. My son was the buddy I needed to share my pleasure.
My son had no choice and I taught him to skate and ski when he was 4 years old. My son and I never took lessons when we were starting!
These became his major sports and his skills are completely beyond me now. He has also been snowboarding since he was 5. I started to learn snowboarding a couple of years ago. I am getting better at it and slowly improving my skill. Well, it is not easy though! Falling and falling.
I worked (I was sewing in the basement) until 6:00 am two nights ago because I wanted to see the results of my new ideas, besides I was too excited, making new projects.
I'm going to Quilt market. I don't have much time anymore.
I won't put my own booth in this year.
I can't travel for 5 days because no one can be with my son this long. It will be a short trip, I will be back on Sunday evening to prepare for his school day.
I will be at the market 25th all day and 26th morning with my new projects at the Blank Quilting Booth. #1200,02,04,06,1301,03,05,07
I hope I will see you there!
Here is my Morning Call and Medetai handout postcard!
Why do I have to wake?
Oh, Ice hockey game at 6:00 am! I woke my son up and when we got to the ice rink it was 5:30 am.
Parking lot was full. What are these people doing?
A bunch of parents were there and holding a cup of coffee.
Crazy, Ice hockey world is crazy.

We have been in this cloud for 8 years already!
I was a basketball player for 10 years when I was at school. Since my son plays ice hockey, basketball games are a little boring. They are not fast enough.
I became a hockey Mom among Americans.
Here is my illustration for his 9 year old birthday.

I have many memories of skating with my father. I learned how to skate and ski from my father and a cousin in our countryside (NAGANO 1998 Winter Olympics) where we were born.
After we moved to the city, my father missed all the sports he grew up with.
He took me to the skate rink and mountains for his pleasure. We also went fishing.
My father's sports became my sports and I handed them to my son. My son was the buddy I needed to share my pleasure.
My son had no choice and I taught him to skate and ski when he was 4 years old. My son and I never took lessons when we were starting!
These became his major sports and his skills are completely beyond me now. He has also been snowboarding since he was 5. I started to learn snowboarding a couple of years ago. I am getting better at it and slowly improving my skill. Well, it is not easy though! Falling and falling.
I worked (I was sewing in the basement) until 6:00 am two nights ago because I wanted to see the results of my new ideas, besides I was too excited, making new projects.
I'm going to Quilt market. I don't have much time anymore.
I won't put my own booth in this year.
I can't travel for 5 days because no one can be with my son this long. It will be a short trip, I will be back on Sunday evening to prepare for his school day.
I will be at the market 25th all day and 26th morning with my new projects at the Blank Quilting Booth. #1200,02,04,06,1301,03,05,07
I hope I will see you there!

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