The reason is, I could shop around the Convention Center.
Besides I love most of the restaurants. I feel I'm at Village in NY City.
I walked the TARGET street twice during the show. (I stayed there three nights)
I was a rush to go to the restaurant where I had a dinner with Blank Quilting members. (Second night). I forgot my camera and cell at our booth. I realized I did not have them on the way to go to our dinner. Thanks, God! I was last one at the Convention Center. My camera and Cell were still on the cafe table. I mumbled. "Now, I can eat!"
I was running to the restaurant! Hungry!!!!!
I saw these pigs in front of the Chinese store when I was walking fast.
This pig was $75.00 and heavy. Bigger size animals were $120.00 - 150.00.
They were attractive in front of the store!
It made me smile when I went back to my room.
This is a brilliant idea to organize my little stuff at the bathroom when I travel.
Flying pigs are fun. I saw a flying pig in a Universal Studio store and those pigs can actually fly. You attach a string to the ceiling and the pig fly around in circles.
I also love being in a clean room, but it is hard for me to keep it clean. hehe
Since I got your comments, I want to draw my flying pig using pastels. The images are here in my head, but I haven't. Oh, but I will.
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