How lucky am I?? I was invited!!!!
I was wondering we still can go to see Frances after Irene (Hurricane ) hit VT.
Her town had a lot of damages. However, Frances said, "Still our plan is ON." (9/ 9. 10 11)
I picked up Michele in CT where she lives. I drove two hours. We were heading to VT. Michele drove 2 hours. Good deal, Perfect!
We were late to start because of me. I was late to start!
I started packing for three days in the morning. It took a couple of hours to decide what I should bring.
When I picked up Michele at her house, she had so many things to bring.
She prepared for this weekend.
I didn't know what was Michele's plan or Frances's plan for that weekend at all.
We arrived at Frances's was around 5:00.
Because I wanted to spend time with Michele's mother for a while at Michele's house.
We wanted to be together with Michele's friend Jan for a while at her store.
It was all great meeting!!!
Guess, their plans were CREATIVE! What a great plan was!
Michele's idea was Felting!!! She brought a bunch of yarns in her red suitcase. Huge pink board.
We went to the restaurant, I think, the restaurant is part of the inn. (The Old Tavern at Grafton)
Her studio is located next to the inn.
We were in her studio after dinner and made ..... this artwork.
Frances's sister Sallie was there from Maine. So four of us's ARTWORK!

We did other experiment art work at the same time. Ice Dye
Frances did snow dyeing last winter.
Many fabrics (Cotton, Linen, Nylon, Chiffon, more) were under ice cubes (with Soda Ash water) . The Old Tavern gave us all ice cubes.
Best part! Frances has all colors. We could choose any colors.
Her studio was like a craft store.
Wait next morning until ice melt!
Wonderful surprised!
This is linen. I have it. Are you jealous??
Second day 's ice dyeing
Frances Dress, T-shirt material (knit)
Black checker printed Cotton
Korean linen
This room is my favorite!
Frances' sewing room
Second day's night, Frances, Michele and I were working here until 2:00 am
Michele brought her quilt work. She learned new method of quilting from Frances.
She did excellent works in three days.
Chicken is Frances (She was born in the year of Chicken).
Fish is her boyfriend who is Pisces.
Three girls are Sallie, Michele and Hoodie. A dog --- Zoe, Daisy and Daphne .
I'm going to prepare my sewing projects when I will come over Frances's!
So far the event scheduled beginning of DECEMBER and I'm invited!
Ha, I'm still lucky!
Frances did snow dyeing last winter.

Her studio was like a craft store.
This is linen. I have it. Are you jealous??

Second day's night, Frances, Michele and I were working here until 2:00 am
Michele brought her quilt work. She learned new method of quilting from Frances.
She did excellent works in three days.
- The fabrics from practiced felting machine
- The fabrics in the Box from Frances's leftover
- The fabric from practiced Sweet Sixteen machine
- Our Ice dyeing fabric
- Buttons from Frances's color button's drawers
- Felted ball from our experiment (I sliced it)
Chicken is Frances (She was born in the year of Chicken).
Fish is her boyfriend who is Pisces.
Three girls are Sallie, Michele and Hoodie. A dog --- Zoe, Daisy and Daphne .
So far the event scheduled beginning of DECEMBER and I'm invited!
Ha, I'm still lucky!
OOPs, one more great things of Frances. She is having the art show at her town's Art Gallery.
The Gallery is located in front of the inn.
She does Postcard Art. She has million of the art postcards that she made!
She is constantly making these amazing artwork.
One postcard should be mailed 5 to 6 times. She or friends add artwork on it each time.
Here, at the show, 15 x 15 = 225 postcards were displayed.
One more postcard was next to her profile.
My son's name was on it. The meaning of the character is "All" "Perfect"
Besides Ski and Skateboard were on it. Frances gave it to my son! Amazing!
Her butler, Dante Falcone's photographs were beautifully displayed at the Gallery, too.
I have been in Quilt market (The trade show) since 2000 with Michael Miller's as a house designer. I do design for cotton fabrics since I moved to US, 1993.
I did the work Cotton print work in Japan, but it wasn't for the quilt market.
I have learned about Quilt World in US. I didn't know Quilt world as an artist. I'm in now. I'm very happy to know all creators and share creativity.
The Gallery is located in front of the inn.
She does Postcard Art. She has million of the art postcards that she made!
She is constantly making these amazing artwork.
One postcard should be mailed 5 to 6 times. She or friends add artwork on it each time.
Here, at the show, 15 x 15 = 225 postcards were displayed.
My son's name was on it. The meaning of the character is "All" "Perfect"
Besides Ski and Skateboard were on it. Frances gave it to my son! Amazing!
I have been in Quilt market (The trade show) since 2000 with Michael Miller's as a house designer. I do design for cotton fabrics since I moved to US, 1993.
I did the work Cotton print work in Japan, but it wasn't for the quilt market.
I have learned about Quilt World in US. I didn't know Quilt world as an artist. I'm in now. I'm very happy to know all creators and share creativity.
How wonderful and excellent!!!!!