Japanese New Year is January 1st.
1873 DEC 2nd, Japanese government switched Lunar calendar to AD calendar.
We call "Old calendar" as "Lunar calendar" and it is shown on many Japanese calendars still.
We use Zodiac sign for our counting age.
If you want to know your Zodiac sign, go to this link.
You may find more links to access "Chinese Zodiac"
If you were born in January or February check out these Chinese New Year Dates first to determine which sign you are under as you may find that you actually belong to the previous animal year.
Your sign is coming back every 12 years. When you are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 year old that year is yours.
A year is not only one Zodiac on Lunar calendar, it is two combination of Zodiac in the year.
These combination are 60 patterns.
You will get same combination of your year 60 years later you were born.
60 year old is your new starting life.
We call "Person of Year" who the same year Suddenly a man born in the Zodiac Year.
Serve God, man, this The original meaning of the "Person of Year"

Guess, who was born year of OX.
I just found it out.
Our American president, Barack H Obama.
He was born 1961, August 4.
I never ever think about he is the "Person of Year" when I started writing this story here.

Hoodie's Patch
(Hoodie's designs on Zazzle products)
My New Year's postcard "OX" & "Moo" (above) are on zazzle products.
Born Year of OX T-shirts for man, woman - Personalized the name.
Born Year of OX baby (Onesie) - Personalized baby's name.
Moo Mug cup - Personalized the name on the cup.
Born Year of Ox Birthday card - Create your own words.
Moo & Good Milk Postage.
Good Milk Kids Apron - Personalized the name on the apron.
Moo Key Chain.
These are great gifts for Birthday and Baby Shower for 2009.
Also, there are many goods using my original fabric design,
"Morning Call" "Medetai" "Casting Cats" Groups and more.
There were many "Brand New Day" in 2009, January.
New year on January 1st, Little new year on 15th, President Inauguration on 20th, my birthday on 23rd (additional "Brand New Day" for me) and Chinese New Year on 26th.
Stand up all you lovers in the world
Stand up and be counted every boy and every girl
Stand up all you lovers in the world
We're starting up a brand new day
--Brand New Day by STING --